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Assistive Technology

Assistive technology or adaptive equipment is any piece of equipment utilized to help increase a person's independence. This can range from "low tech" and "high tech" options. There is assistive technology to help with virtually every disability or condition!

Low Tech

Low tech assistive technology is typically more cost affordable than high tech options. Low tech options do not require a power source, are easy to set up, and often require little training. 

Examples Include:

Button Hook


How does this help?

Rocker Knife

Untitled design (1).png

How does this help?

Pill Organizer

pill box .png

How does this help?

High Tech

High tech assistive technology are electronic devices and can range from simple (such as an ergonomic keyboard), to complex (such as eye tracking computer software). 

Some examples include:

  • Google home or Amazon Alexa for voice controls for turning on/off lights 

  • Text-to-speech

  • Robotics 

  • Power wheelchair 

  • Screen readers 

  • Smart Home Technology

  • Automatic jar opener

How Can Occupational Therapy Help?

Your occupational therapist can evaluate your abilities and determine which kind of assistive technology would best suit your needs. Your therapist will then work with you to learn how to use your new device to optimize your independnece. 

Is assistive technology covered by insurance?

Depending on your disability, the type of assistive technology needed, and your insurance carrier - your assistive technology may or may not be covered. In cases where assistive technology is covered, it must be deemed "medically necessary" and may require prior authorization from your insurance company. We can help determine medical necessity and if your assistive device will be covered prior to purchase.

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